We're on a mission 🚀
to supercharge your Crypto Portfolio

Setup is effortless and can provide returns over 5x greater than holding Bitcoin alone

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How It Works

We build and manage your portfolio of the top 10 crypto currencies by market cap (excluding stablecoins), each given an even weighting.

We rebalance your portfolio every week and add any new coins to ensure you maximize your returns.

It is all done through Coinbase (the largest regulated US crypto exchange) - they keep your money secure.

We connect to a new or existing Coinbase account to automatically create and manage your portfolio.

You own the assets; we provide the magic ✨

Counterpoise on a laptop
Counterpoise on a laptop


Our Portfolio vs Bitcoin

Inclusive of all costs

Monthly return


Sharpe Ratio


Monthly return


Sharpe Ratio


Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Digital assets should be held as part of a diversified portfolio of traditional assets (stocks, bonds, etc.).

Digital assets can be volatile (+-50% a month) and should be viewed as a long term (2+ years) investment only. Counterpoise does not offer financial advice.


Why invest in a crypto portfolio

  • Cryptocurrencies will likely play an increasing role in our future and have outperformed every other tradable asset over the past 5 years by a large margin.
  • Building a diverse portfolio of digital assets vs investing in just a single asset (like Bitcoin) has the benefit of maximizing returns whilst minimizing risk - making it the only "free lunch" in finance.

Why trust us


How much to invest

Getting started

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Altcoin picture

Written by James Huckle (Co-founder) | April 2021

  • A basket of the top cryptocurrencies has returned 15% a month since 2015
  • Bitcoin in comparison has only returned 7% a month and remains ~15% off its highs
  • Ethereum has broken to a new high of 2593, with other altcoins following suit

Altcoin performance

There are around 4,000 existing cryptocurrencies. Those that are not Bitcoin are considered an 'alternative coin' or 'altcoin'.

Looking at just the top 100 coins (based on market capitalisation), we can see that Bitcoin sits in the middle of the pack, at #48, based on its average yearly performance of 190%. Its performance is dwarfed by those with the highest returns.

Average yearly performance

Performance of top 5 coins (by market cap)

Crypto light-speed

The pace of the crypto race is highlighted by how frequently the top coins change positions on the market cap leaderboard. On average, the order changes every 3 days. New coins are entering the top 10 every 10 days, meaning that the index has a new set of constituents.

For comparison, S&P Dow Jones Indices – the company responsible for managing the SP500 index – deems a rebalancing necessary only 4 times a year, while the Russell 1000 and 2000 get rebalanced once a year.

Ethereum breaks new all-time highs

Ethereum break new all time highs

Cryptocurrencies are relatively uncorrelated

Cryptocurrencies tend to have a lower pairwise correlation than stocks which increases the performance for those holding a portfolio of crypto. Since 2015, the 10 largest cryptocurrencies have an average pairwise correlation of 0.71, while the 10 largest stocks have a correlation of 0.87.

Stock market pairwise correlation

Stock market intra-correlation

Cryptocurrency market pairwise correlation

Cryptocurrency market correlation

Cryptocurrency correlation across time

The rolling three-month realised correlation (smoothed) of the top 10 coins demonstrates a longer-term trend towards becoming tighter, perhaps because the largest exchanges are offering access to a greater number of the coins. May 2020 saw the highest correlations - reaching 0.84. Correlations began loosening this year, with the current value at 0.68.

Crypto 3-month rolling correlation (smoothed)